In case of doubt about the feasibility of the experience by a person with a disability, we invite you to ask us your questions beforehand. The main cases are discussed below.
VIRTUAL REALITY: We recommend pregnant women, the elderly and people with psychiatric disorders, binocular vision abnormalities, heart disease, epileptic disorders or other serious illnesses, as well as people wearing a pacemaker and or hearing aid to consult a doctor before using a virtual reality headset.

Pregnant women
Pregnant women can live without problem the main shows and animations offered at the Cité de l'Histoire. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, the virtual reality experience is not necessarily recommended. As the VR experience can cause dizziness, it may be safer to borrow a wheelchair to live the expedition in the best conditions.
Motor disabilities
For people with a motor disability but not usually in a wheelchair, it may nevertheless be more comfortable to choose to borrow one. The Cité de l'Histoire offers this service at no extra cost, but on request. When purchasing the ticket, select the Wheelchair Loan option. Depending on the availability of the equipment, it may be asked to select another schedule or even another date of arrival. Disabled persons benefit from the reduced rate (upon presentation of their disability card).
The virtual reality experience is not recommended for people with epilepsy. There are no major contraindications concerning the other activities of the Cité de l'Histoire.
People who are deaf or hard of hearing can discover the Cité de l'Histoire: visual scenes, images, videos and texts will be accessible to them. However, it is not yet possible to access an audiodescription of the various activities.
Blind or partially-sighted persons are welcomed to the Cité de l'Histoire. They will be able to enjoy the sounds and music of the different animations. However, they will not be able to fully enjoy the images and visual scenes.
Prosthetic heart
People carrying artificial valves/ pacemakers can discover the animations of the City of History. Regarding the virtual reality experience, Eternal Notre-Dame, it is recommended that they consult a physician beforehand.
Mental handicaps
People with mental disabilities are very welcome in the Cité de l'Histoire. Depending on their disability, it may be appropriate for them to be accompanied, in order to make the most of the different activities.